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Draper Fisher Jurvetson
Draper Fisher Jurvetson
机构性质: VC,天使投资
成立时间: 1985-01-01
办公地址: 海外美国
联系方式: 请先上传投递商业计划,项目免费直达该资方约谈-->>
投资阶段: 项目筹备,产品开发,上线初期,增长期
在DFJ,我们与大思想家合作,将他们的大胆想法变成现实。我们喜欢认为只要走过我们的前门,就能体验DFJ的不同之处。这里没有花哨的艺术 - 相反,你会发现火箭,卫星,机器人和3D打印机 - 伟大的企业成就的成果。我们投资于满足消费者和企业需求的技术公司,以及创造诸如商业空间探索,机器人技术和可持续交通等突破性技术的公司。我们的一些投资包括百度(Nasdaq:BIDU),Box(NYSE:BOX),Cylance,Nervana(英特尔),Planet,Redfin(纳斯达克代码:RDFN),Skype,SolarCity(纳斯达克代码:SCTY),SpaceX,Tesla Motors (TWLA),Twitter(纽约证券交易所:TWTR),Tumblr(雅虎),Unity,Yammer(微软)和Zoox。


德丰杰(Draper Fisher Jurvetson, 简称DFJ)由Tim Draper作为第三代家族成员所创办,总部设于硅谷,是全球著名的大型风险投资公司,旗下共管理着超过六十亿美元的资本。在它近三十年的历史中,德丰杰共投资超过六百家创业公司。其中很多著名公司的成功,例如Hotmail, Overture, 和 Skype,为德丰杰缔造了强有力的实力和声誉。德丰杰的宗旨是在全球范围内搜寻具有杰出才能并试图改变世界的企业家,并向其提供资金和服务。

Tim Draper最早提出的有关利用电子邮件对互联网产品进行“病毒式营销”的概念已经被数百家公司当作标准营销技术。通过和客户分成的模式让客户变成客户商,共同参与经营实现共赢,德丰杰在全球30多个国家地区设有投资业务,在中国投资了百度、分众传媒、空中网、龙旗等,其中百度获得五十倍的回报,德丰杰在未来的发展中国市场依然是最主要的投资发展方向。
德丰杰承袭上述公司的经验和知识,并将继续在国际以及中国境内取得巨大成功。德丰杰的宗旨是在全球范围内搜寻具有杰出才能并试图改变世界的企业家,并向其提供资金和服务帮助他们实现创业梦想共谋发展。 点击展开全部
1年内, 1-3年
项目筹备, 产品开发, 上线初期, 增长期
偏好投资轮次: 天使轮, pre-A轮, A轮, B轮, C轮
偏好投资金额: 50万以内, 50-100万, 100-500万, 500-1000万, 1000-5000万, 5000万以上

    Andreas Stavropoulos

    DFJ德丰杰 Partner

    对我来说,就是帮助人们把自己的想法变成可以接触到最多人的地步,并在世界上留下积极的印记。 安德烈亚斯·斯塔夫罗普洛斯(Andreas Stavropoulos)倡导和资助破坏性的想法 - 这个问题越是牵强,就越难假定它是可以解决的。这就是为什么安德烈亚斯寻找能够表达为什么他们和他们的团队相信一个想法的人。 凭借他的资历,你可能会认为他最大的影响力是教育(Phi Beta Kappa,在哈佛大学获得计算机科学硕士学位,同时获得了MS学位,并在哈佛商学院(Harvard Business School)担任贝克学者(Baker Scholar) ,也许工作(麦肯锡公司和基石研究)。 但事实并非如此。安德烈亚斯的前瞻性父母是他灵感的主要源泉。他们教导他在平衡,快乐的生活中做大事。 Andreas是DFJ的软件人员,专注于消费者和企业基础架构,移动性和技术支持的服务。他喜欢计算机科学和算法,他的眼睛闪烁着“软件平台”的字样。 为什么软件?因为有了软件,企业家就可以从想法到快速发展,而不需要大量的实物投资。他目前担任Diamanti,Forward Networks,Resin和Tango的董事会成员,同时代表DFy代理Zymergen和其他投资。过去的投资包括Appstream(赛门铁克),Centerpost(西部公司),Epocrates(NASDAQ:ATHN),Everdream(戴尔),Mobile 365(Sybase),Meetup(WeWork),Silverpop(IBM),Vizu(尼尔森)和Yodle (Web.com)。 在他们的核心,他所有的投资都有一个平台元素。他认为,如果软件企业家正确地做事情,建立跳板,他们可以解决大问题,并迅速提高他们投入生态系统的价值。 他喜欢遇到不同思维的人,超越自己的时间。虽然他喜欢技术,但是他认识到在一天结束时,更多的是关于人。寻找具有特殊意义的企业家:信仰,激情,甚至是一种特质的结合。 对于安德烈亚斯来说,没有太多的职业可以帮助你重新定义整个行业,同时把你的钱放在你的口中。这就是他在DFJ的原因。 For me, it's all about helping people get their ideas to the point where they can touch the biggest number of people, and leave a positive mark on the world. Andreas Stavropoulos promotes and funds disruptive ideas—the more far-fetched the problem, the harder it is to postulate that it's solvable. That's why Andreas looks for people who can express why they and their team believe in an idea. With his credentials, you might think his biggest influence is education (Phi Beta Kappa and summa cum laude at Harvard in computer science, along with an MS degree and first in his class at Harvard Business School, where he was a Baker Scholar), or, perhaps work (McKinsey & Company and Cornerstone Research). But that's not the case. Andreas' forward-looking parents are his primary wellspring of inspiration. They taught him to do big things while living a balanced, happy life. Andreas is DFJ's software guy, focusing on consumer and enterprise infrastructure, mobility, and technology-enabled services. He loves computer science and algorithms, and his eyes light up at the words "software platform." Why software? Because with software, entrepreneurs can go from idea to impact quickly—without a lot of physical investment. He currently serves on the boards of Diamanti, Forward Networks, Resin, and Tango, in addition to looking after Zymergen and other investments on behalf of DFJ. Past investments include Appstream (Symantec), Centerpost (West Corp.), Epocrates (NASDAQ: ATHN), Everdream (Dell), Mobile 365 (Sybase), Meetup (WeWork), Silverpop (IBM), Vizu (Nielsen), and Yodle (Web.com). At their core, all of his investments have a platform element. He believes that if software entrepreneurs do things correctly and build a springboard, they can solve big problems and quickly escalate the value they put into the ecosystem. He loves meeting people who think differently, people who are ahead of their time. Although he loves technology, he recognizes that at the end of the day, it's more about the people. Finding entrepreneurs with that special something: a combination of belief, passion, and perhaps even a touch of idiosyncrasy. For Andreas, there aren't many careers where you can help redefine entire industries and at the same time put your money where your mouth is. That's why he is at DFJ.

    • 投资行业偏好:
      医疗健康, 生物科技, 互联网, 移动互联网, 信息技术, 高新科技, 跨界服务
    • 行业细分说明:
    • 意向运营时间:
      1年内, 1-3年
    • 意向运营阶段:
      项目筹备, 产品开发, 上线初期, 增长期
    • 偏好投资轮次:
      天使轮, pre-A轮, A轮, B轮, C轮
    • 偏好投资金额:
      50万以内, 50-100万, 100-500万, 500-1000万, 1000-5000万, 5000万以上

    Barry Schuler

    DFJ德丰杰 Partner

    我是一个绝对科技垃圾,但也是一个设计师。是的,我是那些把事情分开的孩子之一,然后我会做详细的重新设计,并创建一个新的标志,只是为了好的措施。他们可能会用一只手把一个小工具埋在我的手中,另一只手里拿着一个素描垫。 巴里舒勒建立成功的公司。在DFJ的成长团队中,他培育了超越种子和早期融资阶段,更成熟的公司。他寻找类别领导者,或那些准备成为的人。 巴里的标志:至少1000万美元的运行速度,或关闭大量,可获利的观众。当DFJ投资Tumblr和Twitter公司时,就是这样的情况。 增长团队在看到一个成功的数十亿美元的成功时就知道。然后它就会陷入尴尬的境地,而不仅仅是写大笔的支票,而是帮助企业家们建立自己的公司,并制定出赢得上市的战略。 DFJ团队的成员多次经营企业家经营和规模经营。他们了解商业动态,掌握应避免的经验和知识,以及需要证明的伤疤。 巴里被认为是现代互联网的先驱之一。他是美国在线的董事长兼首席执行官,也是30多年的企业家。他在罗格斯大学学习心理学,是杰出校友会会员。今天,他担任Coinbase,Formlabs,Foursquare,littleBits,Synthetic Genomics和Unity董事会成员。 巴里寻找的CEO是围绕他们的愿景,并完全相信世界需要他们的产品或服务。他总是问创始人的愿望。他希望他听到产品的奇异性,对世界为什么需要它的清晰认识,并且热衷于日元和社会责任。但他也寻找智慧,团队精神,渴望学习,饥饿,也许还有一些失败,为取得巨大的胜利铺平道路。 他对下一个巨大的技术浪潮,以AR / VR为动力的视觉计算的出现,物联网的持续成熟以及大数据和生命科学,机器人,基因组学以及利用生物体的能力的融合感到振奋。对于巴里来说,新技术的潜力是无止境的,就像阴谋一样。 巴里是一位自称“互联网老大”的人,他发现真正令人满意的是帮助下一代,使年轻的企业家能够实现他们的梦想。 他致力于教育改革,是新技术网络的主席,这是全美最复制的课堂改造模式。他还在纳帕共同创办了蓝橡树学校。 I'm an absolute tech junky, but a designer as well. Yeah, I was one of those kids who took things apart, and then I would do detailed redesigns and create a new logo just for good measure. They'll probably bury me with a gadget in one hand and a sketch pad in the other. Barry Schuler builds successful companies. Within DFJ's Growth team, he nurtures companies that have gone beyond seed and early funding stages and are more mature. He seeks out category leaders, or those who are poised to be. The hallmarks for Barry: a minimum $10 million run rate, or closing in on massive, monetizable audiences. That was the case when DFJ invested in Tumblr and Twitter—companies with real revenues and metrics. The Growth team knows a fledgling multibillion-dollar success when it sees one. Then it gets under the hood, not just writing big checks, but helping entrepreneurs build their companies and develop winning go-to-market strategies. The members of the DFJ team have run the entrepreneurial gauntlet and scaled businesses many times. They understand business dynamics and have the experience and knowledge of what to avoid—and the scars to prove it. Barry is credited with being one of the pioneers of the modern Internet. He was chairman and CEO of America Online and an entrepreneur for over 30 years. He studied psychology at Rutgers University, and is a member of its Hall of Distinguished Alumni. Today, he serves on the board of directors of Coinbase, Formlabs, Foursquare, littleBits, Synthetic Genomics, and Unity. Barry looks for CEOs who are lathered up around their vision, and entirely convinced that the world needs their product or service. He always asks about the founder's aspirations. He hopes he hears things like the singularity of the product, a clear understanding of why the world needs it, and loves a yen toward social responsibility. But he also looks for smarts, teamwork, eagerness to learn, hunger, and perhaps a few failures to pave the way for a big win. He is exhilarated about the next big technology wave, the emergence of visual computing powered by AR/VR, the continued maturation of the Internet of Things and the confluence of big data and life sciences, robots, genomics, and the ability to harness organisms. For Barry, the potential of new technologies is endless, as is the intrigue. A self-professed "Internet elder", Barry finds it genuinely satisfying to help the next generation and enable young entrepreneurs to achieve their dreams, as corny as that may sound. He is committed to education reform and is chairman of the New Tech Network, the nation's most replicated classroom transformation model. He also co-founded the Blue Oak School in Napa.

    • 投资行业偏好:
      医疗健康, 生物科技, 互联网, 移动互联网, 信息技术, 高新科技, 跨界服务
    • 行业细分说明:
    • 意向运营时间:
      1年内, 1-3年
    • 意向运营阶段:
      项目筹备, 产品开发, 上线初期, 增长期
    • 偏好投资轮次:
      天使轮, pre-A轮, A轮, B轮, C轮
    • 偏好投资金额:
      50万以内, 50-100万, 100-500万, 500-1000万, 1000-5000万, 5000万以上

    Emily Melton

    DFJ德丰杰 Partner

    我试图预测一个人会如何处理拒绝。被淘汰后站起来的能力决定了你作为企业家的成功。 作为DFJ的合伙人,艾米丽·梅尔顿(Emily Melton)正在寻找那些真正为成为变革推动者而兴奋的企业家,并且为了使事情变得更好而采取几乎不合理的动力。她目前的投资组合包括BetterUp,Elation Health,Livongo,Redfin,Shift,Vineti和Wellframe。 早在Emily的职业生涯中,她就投资了Box(NYSE:BOX),Meebo(Google),Kudo(谷歌),RichRelevance和Flux(MTV Networks)。她还是Pulse Network(LinkedIn),Healthtap和Poshmark的顾问。 斯坦福大学毕业并获得政治哲学学士学位和工商管理硕士学位,专注于消费和移动技术以及医疗技术和市场。 I try to predict how well someone will handle rejection. The ability to stand up after getting knocked down defines your success as an entrepreneur. As a partner at DFJ, Emily Melton is looking for entrepreneurs who are genuinely excited about being agents of change and have an almost irrational drive to make things better. Her current portfolio includes BetterUp, Elation Health, Livongo, Redfin, Shift, Vineti, and Wellframe. Early in Emily's career, she sourced investments in Box (NYSE: BOX), Meebo (Google), Kudo (Google), RichRelevance, and Flux (MTV Networks). She was also an advisor to Pulse Network (LinkedIn), Healthtap, and Poshmark. A Stanford grad with a BA in political philosophy with honors and an MBA, Emily is drawn to consumer and mobile technology, as well as healthcare technologies and marketplaces.

    • 投资行业偏好:
      医疗健康, 生物科技, 互联网, 移动互联网, 信息技术, 高新科技, 跨界服务
    • 行业细分说明:
    • 意向运营时间:
      1年内, 1-3年
    • 意向运营阶段:
      项目筹备, 产品开发, 上线初期, 增长期
    • 偏好投资轮次:
      天使轮, pre-A轮, A轮, B轮, C轮
    • 偏好投资金额:
      50万以内, 50-100万, 100-500万, 500-1000万, 1000-5000万, 5000万以上


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